FactSage 8.2 News

(revised December 5, 2022)
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The FactSage 8.2 Update/Installation (2022) package was released in July 2022.

The FactSage Education 8.2 Package – FactSageEdu is a free FactSage 8.2 Demonstration Version. It too has been released. For details on the education package click FactSage Edu Information.

For the latest details on the programming, documentation and database changes including screen shots click What’s New in FactSage 8.2

For details on changes in the FactSage Apps and Databases click What’s New in View DataWhat’s New in EquilibWhat’s New in Phase DiagramsWhat’s New in Macro Processing and What’s New in the Databases

FactSage 8.2 Report and Error Messages

Here we post the most recent messages about FactSage 8.2 including items not addressed in What’s New in FactSage 8.2

To date the FactSage 8.2 Apps and Databases are essentially working as designed but some issues have been reported.

  • Updated FactSage 8.2 package – ‘FactSage 8.2 – 2022-12-01’ (posted December 1, 2022)

Bugs have been found in the ChemSage format, in the Viscosity App and in certain Calculations. – see Summary of errors below for details.

The FactSage 8.2 package has been updated and these bugs have been corrected.

To update your current FactSage 8.2 installation, download CD-FactSage82.exe (approx. size 430 MB), run Setup-FactSage82.exe and simply select option Update existing FactSage installation.

After updating you will see the caption FactSage 8.2 – 2022-12-01 posted at the bottom left of the main menu window (this replaces 2022-07-15).

Summary of errors

    • ChemSage format error (posted December 1, 2022)When translating input files into ChemSage format, the created files will be in error if dormant (metastable) phases are included.
    • Viscosity module error (posted December 1, 2022)When using the viscosity module to calculate the viscosity of liquid/glass oxides, the calculations will be in error if Na2O and B2O3 are both present or if K2O and B2O3 are both present.
    • Calculation errors (posted December 1, 2022)Errors may be encountered in calculations involving the liquid phase in certain ternary and higher-order systems with the databases
      FSstel, FTlite, FScopp, FSlead, FTsulf and SpMCBN. Binary (two-component) systems are not affected. Only the
      liquid phase is affected.For details on the calculation errors click Summary of systems affected and databases.