Phase Diagram Manipulate and Refresh Window

The Phase Diagram Manipulate and Refresh Window was first introduced in FactSage 7.2, enhanced in FactSage 7.3 and again in FactSage 8.0.

It has become a popular app that offers a variety of editing and plotting options depending upon the type of calculated phase diagram. It is displayed right after the phase diagram has been calculated.

The screenshot shows how to activate the Manipulate and Refresh Window via the Parameters Window ('Phase Diagram > Menu Window > Parameters')

In FactSage 8.0 the Manipulate and Refresh Window has been restructered and new options added.

In addition to the General options that apply to all diagrams, there are now 5 categories for manipulating the calculated phase diagram:

  • phases and labels
  • iso-activity lines
  • tie lines - isothermal diagram
  • polythermal projection
  • aqueous diagram

The screenshot shows all 5 categories but in actual calculations only 'phases and labels' is displayed together with the other pertinent option.

For example, only one of 'tie lines - isothermal diagram', 'polythermal projection' or 'aqueous diagram' could be displayed at any given time.

  • General

    • clear - removes all items such as labels, tie lines, iso-therms, iso-activities, etc. that have been added after the calculation finished.
      This option applies to all phase diagrams.

    • restore - displays the original diagram.
      This option applies to all phase diagrams.
    • date - displays the date the original diagram was calculated.
      This option applies to all phase diagrams. The date is posted in the bottom right corner.

    • elapsed time - displays the time taken to calculate the original diagram.
      This option applies to all phase diagrams. The time is posted in the bottom right corner.

    • help - displays the web page you are currently viewing .

  • Phases and labels
    • label - size, color, bold, italic and underline.
      These options apply to the labels added manually - e.g. by pointing and clicking.

    • phase equilibria - displays the isothermal phase equilibria.
      This option is limited to binary T vs X diagrams.

    • auto labels - automatically labels the diagram.
      This option is limited to binary T vs X diagrams and polythermal projections.

    • previous - formerly labels - old
      When loading a previously stored system, you can show the figure calculated last time. The program displays the calculated phase diagram including any labels that have been added manually. These labels are now stored in memory. If you return to the Menu Window, make changes to the phase selections, axes limits, etc. and recalculate the diagram, the new figure will not have any labels. By clicking labels - old the labels that were stored in memory are posted.

    • delete - deletes a label that has been manually entered (by pointing and clicking).
      The label is selected from the combo box.

  • Iso-activity lines
      These options only apply to ternary or reciprocal isothermal section.

    • iso-activity - calculates and plots iso-activity lines

      The values are specified in the text box.
      This option requires an 'iso-activity species' (i.e. option Z) to be specified in the Selection Window before the diagram is calculated.

  • Tie lines - isothermal diagram
      These options only apply to a ternary or reciprocal isothermal section.

    • all domains - attempts to plot the tie lines for all the two-phase regions.
      Note: - for some domains the tie lines will be missing. In such a case select a 'single domain' (see next).

    • single domain - plots the tie lines for a particular two-phase region.
      Simply point and click on the domain.

      hi med low - sets tie line densities (low, medium or high).

    • clear - removes all the tie lines.

  • Polythermal projection

      These options only apply to polythermal projections.

    • colors

      - 'color' plots in color or B/W.

      - 'T-bar' displays the temperature bar. The colors correspond to the iso-thermal sections.

      - 'by phase' - the colors correspond to a particular phase (and not an iso-therm).

    • label iso-therms - temperature label for each iso-thermal line.
      - 'T units' of K or oC.
      The temperature labels (together with the optional units K or oC) are aligned with the isothermal lines and displaced slightly to improve readabilty.

    • label phase surfaces - the domains of the liquidus surfaces are automaticaly labeled.

    • list T(min) and T(max), list intersecion phases, list intersection compositions and temperatures, label intersection #, label intersection T, color intersection points - offer a variety of display options to enhance the diagram.

    • select all or unselect all - to applies or clears the previous display options.

    • iso-therm - calculates plots iso-thermal lines on the diagram.
      The step in T is defined in the text box.

  • Aqueous diagram

      These options only apply to aqueous diagrams.

    • iso-Eh - plots iso-Eh(volts) on the aqueous diagrams. The step in Eh, and the limits min. and max. are defined in the text boxes.

    • iso-pH - plots iso-pH lines on the aqueous diagrams. The step in pH, and the limits min. and max. are defined in the text boxes.

    • replot as Eh vs pH - transforms the calculated aqueous diagram to Eh vs pH axes.
      The resulting diagram is a true Eh-pH phase diagram.

    'Manipulate and Refresh Window' - options 'labels', 'equilibria' and 'iso-activity'

    1 - Cu-O binary T(C) versus X phase diagram
    2 - Cu-O diagram after labeling and selecting options 'equilibria' and 'iso-activity' from the 'Manipulate and Refresh Window'

    'Manipulate and Refresh Window' - option 'tie lines'

    1 - Isothermal C-Fe-Mn isothermal section at 1500K - data from SGTE 2014
    2 - C-Fe-Mn diagram after selecting option 'tie lines' from the 'Manipulate and Refresh Window'.

    1 - Isothermal reciprocal Ca-Al-N-O section at 1700 C - data from FTOxCN
    2 - Ca-Al-N-O diagram after labeling and selecting option 'tie lines' from the 'Manipulate and Refresh Window'.

    'Manipulate and Refresh Window' - options 'labels' and 'equilibria'

    1 - Mn-Si binary T(C) versus X phase diagram after options 'labels' and 'equilibria' - data from FSstel
    2 - list of phase equilibria in Mn-Si

    'Manipulate and Refresh Window' - polythermal projections

    In the left diagram most of the display options are unchecked
    - click 'unselect all'.

    In the right diagram the color and display options are all checked
    - click 'select all' - as well as the labels.

    'Manipulate and Refresh Window' - aqueous diagram option 'replot as Eh vs pH'

    1 - log10(p2) vs log10(pHCl/pH2O) aqueous H2O-H2-HCl-Cu phase diagram at m(Cu)=1e-5, 25oC
    2 - replotted as true Eh-pH phase diagram

    [] [CRCT] [GTT]