- C.W. Bale - htdocs\fact\facthelp 03-May-2013>
What's New in FactSage 6.4 |
(May 2013)
The FactSage 6.4 Update/Installation program permits you to upgrade/refresh any version of FactSage to FactSage 6.4. You can also install FactSage 6.4 directly on to a new PC.
With many new additions and extensive modifications FactSage 6.4 is a major update to the FactSage package. What follows is a list of the more important programming, database and documentation changes in FactSage 6.4 (2013) with respect to FactSage 6.3 (May 2012).
For the latest news about FactSage 6.4 including items not presented here as well as any known 'bugs' and other issues go to www.FactSage.com > 'FactSage 6.4 ~ News ~' |
In FactSage 6.3 some client installations got the error message "Client is unable to refresh the public network file ... \Public\Network.ini" and it was necessary to change the permission so that clients could write to \Public\network.ini. For certain installations it was not possible to change the file attributes to public read/write and they were unable to install 6.3 on the network. In FactSage 6.4 this requirement is no longer necessary and changing the file attributes to read/write is optional. If the file is not read/write then it will not be possible to log client activity however clients will still have full access to FactSage without any restrictions. For Server Installations there is a new FactSage Nework Server Window - in the FactSage Main Menu click on 'Tools > FactSage Network > Server ...'. The following options are available:
The slide shows on FactSage Applications in Chemical Processing and Alloy Design were presented at Annual Montreal FactSage Workshops.
More than 50 new slides have been added to the Ferrous Metallurgy presentation to bring the total to over 225 slides.
More than 50 new slides have been added to the Alloy Design Advanced presentation to bring the total to over 115 slides.
- called from 'General > FactSage-TEACH ...'. In FactSage 6.3 FactSage-TEACH was offered as part of the package for standalone users. In FactSage 6.4 it is now also installed on the FactSage network and may be copied to client installations. |
FactSage-TEACH is a selftuition package on FactSage developed by GTT-Technologies. It is combination of a special handbook, a series of special mini-databases for use with the assignments, and a special flowsheet model for the Silicon Arc Furnace process. It is the result of a long series of seminars, training courses and workshops on Computational Thermochemistry which began in the early nineties using ChemSage.
For more information including the 'Table of Contents' click 'General > FactSage-TEACH > Introduction ...'. For the detailed manual click on 'General > FactSage-TEACH > Documentation ...'.
Prior to 6.4 the stored Equilib (Equi*.dat), Phase Diagram (Phas*.dat), etc. files displayed in the Directory Window were only sorted by file name. In FactSage 6.4 with the 'Edit' dropdown menu it is now possible to sort the files -
Sorting can also be carried out by a 'Double-click' on the top row. Repeated 'Double-clicks' toggles between ascending (1-9, A-Z) and descending (Z-A, 9-1) order. |
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New Dropdown Menus
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Prior to 6.4 the compounds displayed in View Data were only sorted by atomic number. In FactSage 6.4 with the 'Edit' dropdown menu it is now possible to sort the compounds :
with a restriction on the type of phases :
You return to the View Data Menu Window by clicking on 'File > New ' or more simply by clicking on the new '<< Back to Menu'.
Tables of thermochemical data for all phases of a compound now include a column for
H(T) - H(298)ref.
SiO2 = SiO2 (298.15,1,s1) (T,1,s1) |
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Current situation
The Solution program cannot run under Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8. This problem is not unique to 6.4 - it is present in earlier versions of FactSage. For a possible remedy click on: 'Tools > FactSage running in Windows XP Mode ... ' |
Future plans
After several years of development a new Solution module has been developed that runs under Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. The solution files (*soln.sda, *soln.sdb) have been totally restructured into a new file format (*soln.sln) that is more flexible and more easily accessed by other modules. The new program has a redesigned windows interface and is able to handle all the solution models employed in FactSage.
The new Solution module is being integrated into View Data, Equilib and Phase Diagram. As part of the migration process to the new structure it is necessary to translate the old solution files to the new format. Although much testing is still required we feel confident that new Solution module will be released with the next version of FactSage.
When you first run Equilib then a summary of 'Current Databases Selected' and 'Current Data Search Options' is posted and you are asked if you want to 'Load last system ?'.
If you reply 'Yes' then the last Equilib system is loaded as in previous versions.
If you reply 'No' you now have the the option to keep the current 'Databases Selected' and 'Data Search Options', or, clear the 'Databases Selected', apply default settings to 'Data Search Options' and open the 'Data Search Window'."
- see Slide Show 'Equilib - Regular Features - Section 19' There is a new default exclusion of species from compound species selection When two or more databases are connected, the same species may appear in more than one database. In such cases, a species should generally only be selected from one database. Otherwise conflicts will probably occur. In order to assist users in deciding which species to exclude, the FactSage developers have assigned priorities. When you initially click on "pure solids", "pure liquids", or "gas" you may now see that several species marked with an "X" have not been selected. That is, they have been excluded by default because of probable conflicts between databases. The FactSage developers suggest that these species not be selected for this particular calculation. If you wish to select species marked with an "X" you must first click on 'permit selection of "X" species'. This will then override the default setting and permit you to select species as in FactSage 6.3. This will also activate the 'suppress duplicates' button and enable you to define a database priority list as in FactSage 6.3.
IMPORTANT : For many calculations, it may frequently be advisable or necessary to de-select other species in addition to those marked with an "X."
This message will appear whenever you change the selected databases, or change the 'Data Search Options', or change the components; that is any action that requires the databases to be re-scanned. The purpose of the message is to simply advise you that the compound species selection may have changed. The message will not appear when you load a new system or when you load a stored file.
Paraequilibrium refers to the concept that diffusion kinetics of interstitial solutes is much faster than that of substitutional solutes. For example in the Fe-Cr-C system carbon diffuses and equilibrates rapidly whereas the diffusion of Fe and Cr between solid phases is slow and could be ignored.
A new paraequilibrium checkbox that performs paraequilibrium calculations is now offered in the Equilibrium Menu Window. In addition an Edit button opens an input box where the diffusing solutes (typically elemental carbon) are defined.
An example of parequilibrium calculations in the Fe-Cr-C system is presented later in the Phase Diagram section.
It is also possible to calculate the single phase with the minimum Gibbs energy for any given set of input conditions. Such calculations may be of practical interest in physical vapour deposition where deposition from the vapour phase is so rapid that phase separation cannot occur, resulting in a single-phase solid deposit.
Prior to 6.4 the maximum number of selected species and the maximum number of selected phases was 1500. In FactSage 6.4 the maximum number of selected species is 3000.
Both total selected species and total selected phases are now posted in the Menu Window.
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The Print cut-off is set in the Parameters Window and limits the length of output in the Results Window.
It only affects the display; it has no effect upon the calculation.
In the Results Window there are two types of displays - FACT Format and ChemSage Format. You can display either or both Formats. This is done by clicking on 'Output > Format > ...'. The cut-off value is in the range 1e-75 to 0.01 and indicates the lower cut-off limit for phase activities and solute concentrations. It does affect the display of solution end-members. In FactSage 6.4 there is new 'Show only stable phases' button. When checked only the stable product phases are displayed. Click on the 'Help' button for more information
To display the solution extended menu point to the '+' column of the solution (Equilib Menu Window) and then click on the mouse-right-button.
The Scheil target calculation (option S) and the solidification calculations (option D that offered either Scheil or Equilibrium cooling) have been replaced by the one single option L - the cooLing calculation. |
Option L can be assigned to any solution phase (including the gas phase).
However cooling is most meaningful when the initial solution is a liquid
since the cooling calculations relate to solidification.
When option L is assigned to a solution phase you are presented with a new Cooling Calculation Window.
In the Cooling Calculation Window you can also display the transitions and summary pages in the Results Window (this was not available for equilibrium cooling). |
Prior to 6.4 for solidification calculations it was necessary to provide an initial starting temperature
(for example 1600°C) in the temperature Final Conditions input box.
For meaningful solidification calculations this would be a value where the solution phase
(for example SLAG) is 100% liquid.
In 6.4 a new T-auto checkbox is now available. By checking T-auto the starting temperature is now automatically calculated by the program (internally Equilib performs a precipitate target calculation to identify when the first phase is formed). The actual starting value is rounded up to comply with the cooling step. For example, if solidification first starts at 1580.23°C then a cooling step of 10°C (or 25°C) would set the starting temperature at 1590°C (or 1600°C). If the starting temperature cannot be calculated then the value defined in the Final Conditions (1600°C) is used instead. |
When the gas phase from more than one database is selected there may be duplicate entries for gas species. In such a case the calculated equilibrium will be incorrect.
In FactSage 6.4 a warning message is now issued when duplicates gas species are detected and the offending species are flagged with '_d'.
Duplicates can be avoided by checking the 'suppress duplicates' checkbox in the Menu Window .
Traditionally the maximum length of a line in the Results Window has been limited to 80 characters. In FactSage 6.4 this restriction is no longer applied and some of the results, particularly the display in the ChemSage Format, have much longer lines.
To accommodate the expanded output the size of the window display can be increased by pointing to the borders
and stretching the edges of the Window.
In addition the font size of the display can be changed by clicking on the screen.
Enter Ctrl+ to increase font size, Ctrl- to decrease the font size
and Ctrl 0 to return to the default setting.
Both font size and Window display size are retained next time Equilib is run. To return to the original settings go to the Edit toolbox menu and click on 'Default font wnd Window size'. |
All the macro files stored in the /MACROS folder have been checked with FactSage 6.4 and the files updated modifications where necessary.
If you unfamiliar with macro processing and want to try it go to the Reactants Window, click on 'File > Macro processing > Run macro > Macros Directory ...' and select EquiEx_SET_Variables.mac.
If you want to see the information generated (but hidden) when you load and run one of your saved Equi*.dat files then select EquiEx_List_Results.mac and specify the Equi*.dat file.
For an example of how to open and interact (read and write) with an Excel spreadsheet (.Xls file) and how to follow the progress of equilibrium calculations in real time then select EQUIEx_MgCl2_O2_F2.mac.
New $Variable$s
New variables have been introduced into 6.4 macro processing.
Extensive Property Changes: $E_D*$, * = OK, C, F, G, H, S, V $E_DOK$ = 'OK' when delta values calculated (e.g. initial conditions defined) $E_DC$ = Delta Cp heat capacity $E_DF$ = Delta Gibbs free energy $E_DG$ = Delta Gibbs free energy $E_DH$ = Delta enthalpy $E_DS$ = Delta entropy $E_DV$ = Delta volume Database search options $DS_*$, * = GION, AQUA, CXHY, MINS $DS_GION$ : 0 = exclude gas ions, 1 = include gas ions $DS_AQUA$ : 0 = exclude aqueous phase, 1 = include aqueous phase $DS_CXHY$ : 1 to 99 = maximum value of X in organic molecules CxHy.. $DS_MINS$ : 1 = minimum 1 component solutions, 2 = minimum 2 component solutions, Databases: Compound $DB_C_*$ and Solution $DB_S_*$ values, ? = C or S, * = 1 - 48 $DB_?_M$ : number of selected compound ($DB_C_M$) or solution ($DB_S_M$) databases $DB_?_F*$ : file name of database * $DB_?_P*$ : path and file name of database * $DB_?_N*$ : nick name of database * $DB_?_I*$ : information about database * $DB_?_V*$ : database version * $DB_?_T*$ : time and date stamp of database file *
New data search commands have neen added - SET DATASEARCH GION (NOGION AQUA NOAQUA CXHY MINS1)
SET DATASEARCH GION (NOGION) : include (exclude) gaseous ions (plasmas) SET DATASEARCH AQUA (NOAQUA) : include (exclude) aqueous species SET DATASEARCH CXHY 'value 1-99' : CxHy .. maximum value of x in organic molecules SET DATASEARCH MINS1 (MINS2) : minimum number of solution components is 1 (2)SET ESTIMATE
New commands for redefining the estimatete of final property have been added - SET ESTIMATE T (P V ALPHA)
SET ESTIMATE T 'value' : redefine the estimate of final T SET ESTIMATE P 'value' : redefine the estimate of final P SET ESTIMATE V 'value' : redefine the estimate of final V SET ESTIMATE ALPHA 'value' : redefine the estimate of final ALPHAExamples of the new variables and commands can be found in the updated macro files EquiEx_SET_Variables.mac and EquiEx_List_Results.mac located in the macros folder.
OLE Commands for Excel Worksheets
The number of OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) commands for Excel Worksheets has been expanded. It is now possible to open both *.xlsx type files in addition to *.xls. New CLOSE and QUIT commands enable you to save and close the Excel link. There are new options to dynamically define cell size and text font, color, alignment, etc. in the spreadsheet. Examples of the new commands are presented in EquiEx_Xls_Simple_IO.mac which has been rewritten for FactSage 6.4 and is located in the Macros Directory.
OLEn CLOSE // close the Worksheet; Excel will prompt you to save OLEn CLOSE SAVE // close and save the Worksheet without prompting OLEn CLOSE SAVE 'ExcelFileName' // close and save in a *.xls or *.xlsx file OLEn QUIT // close the Worksheet without saving OLEn CELLS ALL 'options' // apply options to all cells in the Worksheet OLEn COLUMNS 'F:F' 'options' // apply options to column F OLEn ROWS '2:3' 'options' // apply options to rows 2 and 3 OLEn RANGE 'B1:C4' 'options' // apply options to a range OLEn NAME 'NAME' 'options' // apply options to a range name List of 'options' for OLEn CELLS (COLUMNS ROWS RANGE NAME): AUTOFIT // autofit column width // ex: OLE1 CELLS ALL AUTOFIT autofits all cells in the Worksheet BOLD TRUE (FALSE) // Bold text - TRUE is default. BOLD may be replaced by: // ITALIC, SHADOW, STRIKETHROUGH, SUBSCRIPT, SUPERSCRIPT or UNDERLINE // ex: OLE1 ROWS 2:3 BOLD CENTER (LEFT RIGHT) // alignment of contents in each cell CLEAR // clear the contents in each cell COLOR 'color' // text color where 'color' is one of BLACK, MAROON, GREEN, // OLIVE, NAVY, PURPLE, TEAL, GRAY, SILVER, RED, LIME, YELLOW, BLUE, FUSHIA, AQUA or WHITE COLOR RGB(i,j,k) // RGB color where i, j and k in the range 0 - 255 // ex: OLE1 RANGE A1:C:4 COLOR RGB(0,0,255) - same as 'COLOR BLUE' FONTSTYLE 'font style' // font style e.g. 'Bold_Italic' - use _ for spaces HEIGHT 'value' // set rows to a common height SIZE 'value' // set font size to a common value WIDTH 'value' // set columns to a common width
The Function-Builder can be accessed through
A Functions folder is now created in the FactSage folder (typically C:\FactSage\Functions). All Fact-Function-Builder files created by a user are automatically stored in this one Functions folder and have the file name Func*.dat where * is the name of the function group.
For example the functions Fe-N_Sievert and SiO2-MnO_S_capacity created in the slide show are saved as FuncFe-N_Sievert.dat and FuncSiO2-MnO_S_capacity.dat In addition, all such Func*.dat files are grouped into one FactFunc.dat file that is used by the program.
There are two useful advantages of the Functions folder
In the Equilib Results Window you click on The dropdown menu offers three new and modified options:
The Fact-Function-Builder Slide Show has been updated. |
When you first run Phase Diagram then a summary of 'Current Databases Selected' and 'Current Data Search Options' is posted and you are asked if you want to 'Load last system ?'.
If you reply 'Yes' then the last Phase Diagram system is loaded as in previous versions.
If you reply 'No' you now have the the option to keep the current 'Databases Selected' and 'Data Search Options', or, clear the 'Databases Selected', apply default settings to 'Data Search Options' and open the 'Data Search Window'."
- see Slide Show 'Phase Diagram - Section 3.2.1' There is a new default exclusion of species from compound species selection When two or more databases are connected, the same species may appear in more than one database. In such cases, a species should generally only be selected from one database. Otherwise conflicts will probably occur. In order to assist users in deciding which species to exclude, the FactSage developers have assigned priorities. When you initially click on "pure solids", "pure liquids", or "gas" you may now see that several species marked with an "X" have not been selected. That is, they have been excluded by default because of probable conflicts between databases. The FactSage developers suggest that these species not be selected for this particular calculation. If you wish to select species marked with an "X" you must first click on 'permit selection of "X" species'. This will then override the default setting and permit you to select species as in FactSage 6.3. This will also activate the 'suppress duplicates' button and enable you to define a database priority list as in FactSage 6.3.
IMPORTANT : For many calculations, it may frequently be advisable or necessary to de-select other species in addition to those marked with an "X."
This message will appear whenever you change the selected databases, or change the 'Data Search Options', or change the components; that is any action that requires the databases to be re-scanned. The purposr of the message is to simply advise you that the compound species selectiom may have changed. The message will not appear when you load a new system or when you load a stored file.
In the Menu Window the small pictographs of the Gibbs ternary triangle and the reciprocal system square now include the chemical formulae of the system components. The X vs Y binary pictograph remains unchanged. |
- see Slide Show 'Phase Diagram - Section 15' Paraequilibrium refers to the concept that diffusion kinetics of interstitial solutes is much faster than that of substitutional solutes. For example in the Fe-Cr-C system carbon diffuses between solid phases much more rapidly than Fe and Cr. That is, the diffusion of Fe and Cr between solid phases can be ignored. A new paraequilibrum checkbox that performs paraequilibrium diagrams is now offered in the Phase Diagram Menu Window . In addition an Edit button opens an input box where the diffusing solutes (typically elemental carbon) are defined. |
For example, the first figure below is the T(C) versus Wt.% C phase diagram of the Fe-Cr-C system at 2.8 Wt.% Cr calculated under normal equilibrium conditions (orthoequilibrium). Data are taken from the SGTE 2011 databases.
The second figure is the paraequilibrium diagram for the same system when C is the only diffusing component.
For a given system the paraequilibrium diagram tends to be simpler in appearance than the orthoequilibrium diagram. For example the first figure is a ternary phase diagram. With the constraint of paraequilibrium and carbon diffusing the second figure is a binary phase diagram. If no species are permitted to diffuse the system would be reduced even further into a unary phase diagram (not shown here).
It is also possible to calculate phase diagrams in which the phase fields show the single phase with the minimum Gibbs energy at any given point on the diagram. Such calculations may be of practical interest in physical vapour deposition where deposition from the vapour phase is so rapid that phase separation cannot occur, resulting in a single-phase solid deposit.
CaCl2-NaF-CaF2-NaCl is a reciprocal salt system because the chemistry can be defined by the
following exchange reaction:
The components are Na, Ca, F, and Cl.
This forces electroneutrality since moles: Entry of these variables using the Variables Window is documented in the slide show. However the entries are cumbersome and not so obvious. In addition the resulting diagram is missing information about the corners: CaCl2-(NaF)2-CaF2-(NaCl)2. |
In FactSage 6.4 there is a new option for calculating reciprocal diagrams. In the Components Window when you check the 'reciprocal diagram' checkbox you are offered a new menu where you simply enter the 2 cationic and 2 anionic components and associated charges. This automatically activates the correct 'reciprocal settings' in the Variables Window. It is necessary to define the temperature (or select 'projection') and the pressure (typically '1'). No further editing of the axes is required. The resulting calculated diagram is a true CaCl2-(NaF)2-CaF2-(NaCl)2 reciprocal system with a 'square frame' and the corners labelled accordingly. |
Reciprocal diagrams are not limited to molten salts
Here is the (CaO)3-Al2O3-Ca3N2-(AlN)2 reciprocal diagram with data taken from the FTOxCN database.
The slide show includes new examples of catatectics or retrograde solubility, solidus projections and first melting temperature projections To display the polythermal projections in Phase Diagram click on 'File > Directories > Polythermal Projections ... '. In the Directory Phase Diagram Window make sure that 'Tools > Show Preview Diagram' is checked. |
In a Phase Diagram, two thermodynamic properties are chosen as X- and Y-axes, while other properties are held constant. The properties that may be selected as axes or constants are:
Not all combinations are permitted. For example, T (Y-axis) vs Comp (X-axis) is permitted, but not Comp (Y-axis) vs T (X-axis). The following table summarizes the various combinations of variables that may be selected in Phase Diagram as X- and Y-axes and as constants.
Type | Y-axis | X-axis | Constants | |
T vs Comp | T | Comp | P | |
Comp vs Comp | Comp | Comp | P, T | |
Potl vs Comp | Potl | Comp | P, T | |
Potl vs T (or T vs Potl) | Potl T |
T Potl |
P P |
Potl vs Potl | Potl | Potl | P, T | |
P vs T (or T vs P) | P T |
T P |
V vs T (or T vs V) | V T |
T V |
V vs Comp | V | Comp | T | |
P vs Potl (or Potl vs P) | P Potl |
P Potl |
T T |
Comp vs Comp | Comp | Comp | P, T | |
Delta H vs Comp | Delta H | Comp | T, P, molalities | |
Gibbs Triangle Diagrams | T, P | |||
Projection Diagrams | ||||
Paraequilibrium Diagrams | ||||
Minimum Gibbs Energy Diagrams |
Approximately 50 example diagrams with various X- and Y-axes are stored in Phase Diagram. To load and calculate the example diagrams, run Phase Diagram and click on 'File > Directories > Phase diagrams with various......'. This list of examples is by no means exhaustive.
Ag2CrO4 | Ag2O | (Ag2O)(WO3) | Ag2S | Ag2Se |
Ag2SO4 | Ag3AsO4 | AgBr | AgBrO3 | AgCl |
AgCN | AgF | AgI | AgNO3 | AgP2 |
AgP3 | Al(OH)3 | Al2O3(H2O) | Al2O3(H2O)3 | Al2S3 |
Al2Se2 | Al2Te3 | AlCl3(H2O)6 | AlH3 | As2O5 |
As2S3 | AsBr3 | AsF3 | AsH3 | AsI3 |
AsS | Au(OH)3 | Au2O3 | Au2P3 | AuBr |
AuCd | AuCl | AuCl3 | AuF3 | AuI |
AuSe | Ba(NO3)2 | Ba3N2 | BaC2 | BaCO3 |
BaCrO4 | BaH | BaH2 | BaMoO4 | (BaO)(HfO2) |
(BaO)(SiO2) | (BaO)(SiO2)2 | (BaO)(TiO2) | (BaO)(WO3) | (BaO)(ZrO2) |
(BaO)2(SiO2) | (BaO)2(SiO2)3 | (BaO)2(TiO2) | BaO2 | BaSO4 |
BaTe | BiAsO4 | BiBr3 | BiCl3 | BiF3 |
BiI | BiI3 | BP | C10H22 | C2F3H |
C2H2Cl2 | C2H4O | C2H5 | C2H5Cl | C3H4 |
C3H6O | C3H8 | C4H10 | C4H6 | C4H8 |
C5H10 | C5H12 | C5H8 | C6H10 | C6H12 |
C6H14 | C6H6 | C6H6O | C7H14 | C7H16 |
C7H8 | C8H10 | C8H14 | C8H16 | C8H18 |
C9H16 | C9H20 | Ca(NO3)2 | Ca2P2O7 | Ca3(PO4)2 |
CaC2 | CaH | CaH2 | CaHPO4(H2O)2 | (CaO)(HfO2) |
(CaO)(UO3) | (CaO)(V2O5) | (CaO)(WO3) | (CaO)10(SiO2)12(H2O)11 | (CaO)12(SiO2)6(H2O)7 |
(CaO)3(Al2O3)(H2O)6 | (CaO)3(SiO2)2(H2O)3 | (CaO)3(WO3) | (CaO)4(SiO2)6(H2O)5 | (CaO)5(SiO2)6(H2O)3 |
(CaO)6(SiO2)6(H2O) | (CaO)8(SiO2)6(H2O)3 | CaO2 | CaSe | CaSO3 |
CaSO4(H2O)2 | (CaSO4)2(H2O) | CaTe | CCl4 | Cd3(AsO4)2 |
Cd3As2 | CdBr2 | CdCl2 | CdF2 | CdI2 |
CdO | CdS | CdSb | CdSO4 | Ce2(SO4)3 |
CeC2 | CeCl3 | CeCrO3 | CeH2 | CeI3 |
CeN | CH2CHCl | CH2CO | CH3Br | CH3COOH |
CH3I | CH3OH | CHBr3 | CHClCCl2 | CHI3 |
Co(OH)2 | Co2P | Co3(AsO4)2 | CoBr2 | CoCO3 |
(CoO)(Cr2O3) | (CoO)(Fe2O3) | (CoO)(TiO2) | (CoO)(WO3) | (CoO)2(TiO2) |
CoP | CoP3 | Cr(CO)6 | Cr2(SO4)3 | CrBr2 |
CrF4 | CrI2 | Cs2O | Cs2O3 | CsO2 |
Cu2Sb | Cu2Se | Cu2SO4 | Cu2Te | Cu3(AsO4)2 |
Cu3P | CuBr | CuBr2 | CuFeO2 | CuI |
(CuO)(Fe2O3) | (CuO)(SeO2) | CuP2 | CuSO4(H2O) | CuSO4(H2O)5 |
CuTe | ErCl3 | ErCl3(H2O)6 | EuCl3(H2O)6 | EuS |
(FeO)(MoO3) | (FeO)(WO3) | FeOCl | Ga2O3 | Ga2S3 |
Ga2Se3 | Ga2Te3 | GaCl | GaF3 | GaO |
GaSb | GaTe | GdI3 | GdOCl | GeCl |
GeCl4 | GeF4 | GeI4 | GeO | GeP |
GeS | GeTe | H2Se | HCOOH | HfC |
HfCl2 | HfCl3 | HfCl4 | HfF4 | HfN |
HfO2 | HgSe | HgSO4 | HoCl3 | HoCl3(H2O)6 |
HoF3 | InCl | InCl2 | InCl3 | InI3 |
IrO2 | K3Bi | LaBr3 | LaI3 | Mg2Ge |
(MgO)(Fe2O3) | MnAs | MnBi | (MnO)(Fe2O3) | (Na2O)2(V2O5) |
NdCl3 | NdI3 | Ni2Ge | NiO | (NiO)(Fe2O3) |
NpF6 | P4S6 | PbSO4 | PrCl3 | PrI3 |
PuO | Rb2CO3 | Re2O7 | Sb2O3 | Sb2S3 |
SbF3 | Sc2O3 | ScF3 | SiO2 | SmC2 |
(SrO)(HfO2) | (SrO)2(TiO2) | SrSO4 | TaBr5 | TaCl3 |
TaFe2 | TbCl3 | Tc2O7 | ThAl3 | ThBr4 |
ThI4 | TiAl | TiAl3 | TiO2 | Tl2O |
TlCl | TlF | TlSe | TmCl3 | U4O9 |
UAl2 | UAl3 | UBr4 | UFe2 | UI4 |
UO2 | VCl2 | VI2 | YbCl3 | ZnF2 |
ZnI2 | ZnS |
* The carbides (C4- anion) and carbonates (CO32- anion) have been added to the thermodynamic model for the
NaF-AlF3-CaF2-Al2O3 base system.
That is, a thermodynamic model is now available for the
Na+, AlV3+, AlIV3+, Al26+, Ca2+
// F-, O2-, C4-, CO32-, Va- system
{where AlV3+ is the 5-coordinated Al3+, AlIV3+
is the 4-coordinated Al3+, Al26+
represents the dimerized (F-bridged) Al3+, and Va- is an anionic vacancy for metal dissolution}.
The carbides and carbonates were added in order to model the solubility of Al4C3 in presence of dissolved metal
(at Al4C3(s) and Al4O4C(s) saturation) and the solubility of CO2(g), respectively,
in the NaF-AlF3-CaF2-Al2O3 base electrolyte.
At the anode, CO2(g) is evolved and dissolves partially in the bath in the form of carbonates.
The following reactions must be taken into account :
As the activity of Al2O3 is increased in a NaF-AlF3-CaF2 liquid solution,
the activity of Na2O will also increase according to reaction (1).
In the presence of CO2 in the gas at the anode, the activity of Na2CO3 will be
defined by reaction (2) at equilibrium.
* The following stoichiometric compounds were added to the FThall Compound database : Na2Ca3Al2F14(s), Na4Ca4Al7F33(s), Ca12Al14F2O32(s), Na2Mg2Al3F15(s), Na2CO3(s1, s2, s3, l), CaCO3(s1, s2, l), and Na2Ca(CO3)2(s1, s2).
* Bath: The density of the NaF-AlF3-CaF2-Al2O3-LiF-MgF2 electrolyte as a function of temperature and composition has been modeled. In the Menu Window of Equilib, select the FTHall-BathA liquid solution and check the box "include molar volumes". In the Results Window, the density value (in gram/cm3) calculated from the model is displayed (in parentheses) at the 2nd line of the block corresponding to the liquid phase. A system density (in gram/cm3) that takes into account the available density data for all phases at equilibrium (liquid + one or more solid phases) is displayed below the integral property table.
* Liquid metal: Volumetric properties (density) as a function of temperature were entered for the following pure liquids in the "Liqu" liquid metal solution of the FThall database : Al, Ca, Li, Mg and Na. The volumetric properties (density) as a function of temperature and composition were entered for the Al-Mg binary liquid in the "Liqu" liquid metal solution of the FThall database. In the Menu Window of Equilib, select the FThall-Liqu liquid solution and check the box "include molar volumes".
* Bath: The viscosity of the NaF-AlF3-CaF2-Al2O3-LiF-MgF2 electrolyte as a function of temperature and composition has been modeled. In the Menu Window of Equilib, select the FThall-BathA liquid solution and check the box "include molar volumes". (The viscosity model uses both the molar volume calculated from the density model and the quadruplet mole fractions calculated from the thermodynamic model, in addition to the viscosity model parameters.) In the Results Window, the viscosity value (in Pa.s) calculated from the model is displayed at the end of the block corresponding to the liquid phase.
* Liquid metal: The viscosity of the Al-Mg binary liquid as a function of temperature and composition has been modeled. In the Menu Window of Equilib, select the FThall-Liqu liquid metal solution and check the box "include molar volumes".
The liquid "Slag" phase is treated as a single solution phase containing all 9 elements, valid at all temperatures and over all composition ranges of interest. This phase thus incorporates the high-temperature oxycarbide slag, sulfide-rich liquid and oxide slags that might appear at lower temperatures, oxynitride liquids, etc., all in one solution (with possible immiscibility gaps, of course).
In most cases now, all solutions and all stoichiometric solid phases from FToxid visible in the menu window can be selected. Selection of a stoichiometric compound that is simultaneously an end-member of a solution phase will not adversely affect the calculation. Normally, the FactPS database should be used in combination with FToxid to select gaseous species ONLY. Solid and liquid oxide compounds SHOULD NOT be selected from the FactPS database.
I- or J-options are introduced by default only when they are normally needed. When there is only a small probability that an I-option or J-option is required, it is NOT introduced by default. (This is done in order to speed up the calculation.) However, in all solutions in which a miscibility gap could possibly occur, this fact is mentioned in the description of that solution. If in doubt, check.
Even though all solutions and stoichiometric compounds from the FToxid database can now be selected in most cases, this may result in a lengthy calculation for a multicomponent system. To speed up the calculation, one can select only those solutions that are likely to form and make all other solutions metastable. If the calculated activity of a metastable solution is > 1, this solution should be selected (made stable) and the calculation repeated. The FToxid-SLAGG phase for C, N and CN dissolved in molten slag has been removed in FactSage 6.4. For calculations of the solubility of C and N in molten oxides, use the FTOxCN database.
* (1) Volumetric properties (density) as a function of temperature were entered for the following pure liquids in the SALT liquid solution of the FTsalt database : FeCl2, NiCl2, Li2O, Na2O, K2O, MgO, ThF4 and UF4.
* (2) Volumetric properties (density) as a function of temperature were updated for the following pure liquids in the SALT liquid solution of the FTsalt database : ZnCl2 and KF.
* (3) The volumetric properties (density) as a function of temperature and composition were entered for
the following multicomponent liquids in the SALT liquid solution of the FTsalt database :
Note that a density model for the NaCl-KCl-MgCl2-CaCl2 liquid was already available previously. In the Menu Window of the Equilib module, select the liquid solution FTsalt-SALTA (for LiF-NaF-KF-MgF2-CaF2 or NaCl-KCl-MgCl2-CaCl2) or FTsalt-SALTI (for NaCl-KCl-ZnCl2), and check the box "include molar volumes". In the Results Window, the density value (in gram/cm3) calculated from the model is displayed (in parentheses) at the 2nd line of the block corresponding to the liquid phase. A system density (in gram/cm3) that takes into account the available density data for all phases at equilibrium (liquid + one or more solid phases) is displayed below the integral property table.
The following displays are only available if you have updated your installation with that particular version.
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